Fruticornicopians Logo

support your little creative

Help prepare them and make the sky the limit

Learn about the vowels, while making new friends!

The Fruticornicopians use a workbook, worksheets, books, and games.  There’s even a backpack that your children will love! Our team has partnered with industry experts to combine learning  in a fun and interactive way.

Learn Spanish for Kids








support your little creative

Learn Spanish

Introduce your little creative to concepts like numbers, letters sentences and sounds using proven techniques for learning a new language.

They’ll love the games, concepts and you’ll love learning a new language with each new activity.

Available here:

Coming Soon!!!!!


Have fun with your little creative

Using Augmented Reality

All of our books, games, and activities are designed to help language learners of all ages.  For the once and forever learners,  using AI and AR to reignite that spark of learning is about opening up the mind to make it easy and fast to learn a new languate  

Photo of Diana Deberry

Meet the Author

Diana DeBerry

Diana is a natural born storyteller.  Her love for telling good story is real and genuine. The close second in her heart has always been the arts, music and Spanish.  From singing and speaking,  to playing and learning, Diana always loved being around any form of expression and it has always been a thing that makes her happy.  Not far behind that is the love for technology and learning new things.  How is that for a combination! 

Diana always wanted to share and express all of her loves and share the things that always sustained her through her life.  Fruticornicopians is her way of giving back to the world what gives her joy, and encourage the next generation of sweet faces to express that beautiful language within us all.